When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret and anchored there. As soon as they got out of the boat, people recognized Jesus. They ran throughout that whole region and carried the sick on mats to wherever he went -- into villages, towns or countryside -- they placed the sick in the marketplace. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed.
- Mark 6: 53-56
Jesus was one famous, high-profile, head-turner, eye-catcher, headliner, history-maker individual of His time (and all time). He was like a magnet which people were drawn to Him wherever He went.
As I read the phrase, "as soon as," I could imagine Jesus stepping out of the boat and just as He stood having His deep breath, a man, probably a fisherman in his mid-age, while untangling his net, looked up, glanced at his side, and saw Jesus just arrived. The fisherman to his surprise, tapped his buddy beside him with his elbow while saying, "Look! It's Jesus!" Then, it went like a wildfire. It was broadcasted throughout the whole region of Gennesaret that Jesus has arrived. I could imagine people crowded around Jesus.
The thickness of the crowd must have made Jesus and His disciples moved around town in a snail's speed. If this happened in modern day, Jesus must have been trending on Twitter, Top 1 in major search engines, and probably would have had a thousand "Likes" on Facebook and Instagram... hehehe!!!
Setting aside Jesus' popularity, what struck me in these verses was the response of the people. They ran throughout the whole region; they carried their sick on mats; they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They followed Jesus to wherever He went.
And to me, this is the winner: They begged him to let them touch even the edge of His cloak [emphasis mine]. Imagine...the kind of faith they had!
Photo courtesy: bridegroomofmysoul.blogspot.com |
The edge of His cloak.
The edge.
That's it. All who touched Him were healed.
Imagine that!
Whoever Jesus touched was healed. It is a given fact. This time, it's the other way around: whoever touched Him was healed. Jesus not only healed whom He touched, but also those who took the initiative to touch Him (even just the edge of His garment).
What's the secret to Jesus' healing power?
The power of healing did not come from touching Jesus' cloak. The cloak did not have some special power. Rather, it is by Jesus, through a person's faith, that one is healed. The kind of faith that says, Jesus can heal any disease and, that which is manifested through one's action. Only faith in Jesus can bring healing, and not through touching the edge of the cloak.
In Mark 5:34, Jesus said to the bleeding woman, "Daughter, your faith has healed you." In Mark 9:23, Jesus said to the father of a demon-possessed boy, "Everything is possible for him who believes." In Mark 10:52, Jesus said to a blind beggar, "Go, your faith has healed you."
Faith is the key to healing. Faith is the key to restoration. Faith is the key to freedom. And who is the object of faith? JESUS. How can one be saved? By faith in Jesus, not by works of our own.
Photo courtesy: thefaithpal.blogspot.com |
How can one be completely healed? As it is written in Acts 3:16, "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is in Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see."
There is power and healing in Jesus' touch. There is power and healing in Jesus' name. There is power and healing being released as we believe that Jesus can. He can when we believe He says He can! And He will!
Have faith!
Be assured!
Be confident that you can get healed, having faith even to the point of just brushing a tip of your finger on the edge of Jesus' cloak.
[Journal entry: July 12, 2012]
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