Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In Solitude and Prayer

Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.  But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
- Luke 5: 15-16

Despite the limelight, Jesus chose to be solitary.  Despite being as the crowd attraction, He chose to be alone and to commune with God through prayer.  After a day's work in His ministry, He never failed to pray to His Father in heaven; before the day started, He recharged His Spirit through prayer. He often did that -- being alone to pray.

How often do I withdraw myself from the crowd and pray?  How often do I choose to be with my Father in heaven through prayer? Lately, I've been so busy because of the holidays that I could not spend longer time in my daily devotion.  I admit that, and I'm guilty of it.  Jesus is the perfect example of how we, or rather, I should spend my time in solitude and prayer.

As I think and evaluate about it, it tells of my priority.  Am I really putting God first? Is Jesus really my focus? The year is ending and I have a lot of self-examination to do.  This goes for every believer, too.

Father God, thank You that You have sent Jesus to be my Savior.  Thank You that Jesus is the perfect example on how my time should be spent, that is, in solitude and in prayer.  Father God, forgive me for my "often" time is not being spent with You and on You.  Thank You, regardless of my unfaithfulness You remain faithful to me.  Teach me your ways, oh Lord, and give me a renewed heart that is so much in love with You and in Jesus.  Remind me, oh God, that Jesus is always the focus. This I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

[Journal entry: December 24, 2011]

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