Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nonsensical Sense

Photo courtesy by Ali Davies
Sometimes, there are things in life which make no sense, but require us to walk even when the way is not clear.  I realize that God does not let us do things that are of no sense to Him.  Now it makes sense to me: the beauty of faith and obedience.

Yes. There are things in life which make no sense to us, but totally make sense to God.  He does not let us do things nor allow things to happen that are of no sense to Him.  Everything that happens to us, whether it be good or bad, has a purpose.  We may not quite understand the purpose, or even thought of a good reason why a "senseless" thing happened, but we are rest assured that God has His good purpose and good reason for allowing it.

As what God said in Isaiah 55:9, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  When God tells you to do a "senseless" act, and you catch yourself asking God, "But, why? It just doesn't make sense, God" remember that He has a good purpose for you; He will be pleased when you act in faith and obedience.

[Journal entry: March 29, 2012]

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