Sunday, August 12, 2012

Schedule of Activities

What kept Jesus busy during His three-year residency on earth?  Jesus’ schedule book must have been full-packed with tons of activities (preemptive states not yet included).  And, oh! His scheduled activities had been written way before He stepped on the planet Earth.

So again I ask: What kept Jesus busy on earth? According to the book of Mark, I enumerate most, but not all, the following:

Mark 1: Jesus preaches in Galilee.
            Jesus teaches with great authority.
            Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others.
            Jesus heals a man with leprosy.
Mark 2: Jesus heals a paralyzed man.
            Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house.
Mark 3: Jesus heals a man’s hand on the Sabbath.
            Jesus selects the twelve disciples.
            Jesus describes His true family.
Mark 4: Jesus tells the parable of the four soils.
            Jesus explains the Parable of the four soils.
            Jesus tells the parable of the growing seed.
            Jesus tells the Parable of the mustard seed.
            Jesus calms the storm.
Mark 5: Jesus sends the demons into a herd of pigs.
Mark 6: Jesus sends out the twelve disciples.
            Jesus feeds five thousand.
            Jesus walks on water.
            Jesus heals all who touch him.
Mark 7: Jesus teaches about inner purity.
            Jesus sends a demon out of a girl.
Mark 8: Jesus feeds four thousand.
            Jesus warns against wrong teaching.
            Jesus restores sight to a blind man.
            Jesus predicts His death the first time.
Mark 9: Jesus is transfigured on the mountain.
            Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy.
            Jesus predicts His death the second time.
            Jesus warns against temptation.
Mark 10: Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce.
            Jesus blesses little children.
            Jesus speaks to the rich young man.
            Jesus predicts his death the third time.
            Jesus teaches about serving others.
            Jesus heals a blind beggar.
Mark 11: Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.
            Jesus clears the temple again.
Mark 12: Jesus tells the parable of the wicked tenants.
            Jesus warns against the religious leaders.
Mark 13: Jesus tells about the future.
            Jesus tells about His return.
            Jesus tells about remaining watchful.
Mark 14: Jesus and the disciples have the last supper.
            Jesus again predicts Peter’s denial.
            Jesus agonizes in the garden.
Mark 15: Jesus stands trial before Pilate.
            Jesus is led away to be crucified.
            Jesus is placed on the cross.
            Jesus dies on the cross.
            Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
            Jesus appears to two believers traveling on the road.
            Jesus appears to the disciples including Thomas.
            Jesus gives the great commission.
            Jesus ascends into heaven.

Busy as a bee was He! The list did not yet even include His retreat and quiet time in the mountains.  Jesus didn’t attend any formal education in a prestigious school, yet He was a teacher, preacher, physician, story teller, lifeguard, nutritionist, prophet, public speaker, deliverer, and a lot more.  Bust best of all, Jesus is the Savior of all mankind (the highlight of His itinerary), and He ended His earthly activities by giving the great commission.

He multitasked and batch-processed (probably), yet He reached out and touched lives in a personal level that those whom Jesus had encountered were radically changed.  Three years?  It was short, but greatly significant. The gospel did not include ALL of Jesus’ activities in His ministry. Why?
“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” - John 21:25
Batch 2 of His schedule of activities coming very soon!!! See the book of Revelation.

[Journal entry: July 5, 2012]

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