Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today, I Pray For The Children and The Youth

We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.
- Psalm 78:4-7

Father God,

Today I pray for the children of this generation; for the youth of this generation. Lord, thank You for You love children, and that they have a part in Your Kingdom. Lord, bless the young people of this age.  Open up their young minds and young heart that even at their early age they may know You.  Lord, it is never too early nor too late to know You.  So I pray today, particularly for the children of this nation for them to see a need of a Savior in Christ Jesus.

Lord, bless every child that is growing. Bless every child of the family that they may grow healthy, happy, and beautifully.   Lord, protect each child who is helpless. Shelter every child who is homeless. Feed every child who is hungry. Clothe every child who is naked. Father God, You are the giver of good gifts, and I believe that You are more than willing to give good gifts to these children. Use us, the adult believers, to accomplish these things for Your glory.

Father God, I also pray for dads and moms who are believers of Your Word to give them wisdom, understanding, gentleness, love, and guidance from Your Holy Spirit that they may rear up their children in a godly way.  Father God, bless every family of believers; give them enough strength and courage, loving kindness and patience for their growing children; give them the guidance on how to discipline their children; and most especially, give them the wisdom to teach their children about the knowledge and the love of God.

I pray for those families who have not known You yet that their eyes be opened to the truth, and their lives be surrendered to Jesus. I pray for every dad, for every mom, for every child, and for every teenager to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior; let their lives be lived in freedom in Jesus.

Father God, I thank You for the vision and mission of His Life Learning Center (HLLC), our local church's preschool.  I thank You for the existence of HLLC.  I pray that You will bless His Life's school so that there will be more children who can be trained in a godly manner.  Bless every teacher and staff of HLLC; give them the willingness and passion to teach children; give the workers of this school the understanding of their purpose of their ministry.  Father God, I pray also that you will continue to provide for the needs of HLLC and to all the workers of this school. You are our faithful God, and I believe that You will never fail to meet our needs.  Bless the works of their hands, and thank You, oh God, that their labor are never in vain. Father God, I also pray for the members and church goers of His Life Ministries that they may fully catch the vision of HLLC and understand the mission of this school.

Lord, I pray to You, teach us to give importance to the children.  Teach us to give attention to these little ones.  Teach us to be responsible for the welfare of the children of this generation.  Lord, teach us to invest our time, our talents, our money, our resources, our abilities, our knowledge of You to these children and to the youth of this generation.  Lord, teach us even to serve this young generation, for they are the future generation who will carry the banner of Jesus Christ in to the world.

Lord, teach us to impart our knowledge of You to them so that they may grow honoring Your name, revering Your Name, seeking You with all of their hearts and souls. I pray that they may grow to be godly leaders of this country, to be godly moms and dads, to be godly citizens, to be godly teachers, workers, doctors, fishermen, carpenters, and anything they would become as they grow.  What is important is that these young generation will become the generation who will continue the fight to overcome the kingdom of this world and to fearlessly fight for Your Kingdom, oh God!

So Lord, I pray to give me the wisdom, the guidance, the strength, and the strategy that I need to impact the lives of my nephews and nieces, and whose ever child that I meet. Give me that kind of passion for the little ones to nurture them and teach them Your ways.  Father God, thank You for this opportunity You have given me to pray for the children.

Lord, I give you back all the glory and honor and praises that You alone deserve, and I pray that the future generation will give You the glory that You deserve.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

[Journal entry: March 4, 2012]

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